UI/UX Case Study: Re-Design OLX Autos Mobile App

Kresnaufal S.
5 min readMay 25, 2022

📣 Disclaimer
This project is part of the UI/UX training program implemented by Skilvul, for the Professional Academy Digital Talent Scholarship (DTS PROA) 2022 program organized by the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Indonesia. I do not work for or contract professionally by OLX Autos.


OLX Autos is a part of OLX Group that are one of the world’s fastest-growing networks of trading platforms, operating in 30+ countries around the world.We help people buy and sell cars, find housing, get jobs, buy and sell household goods, and much more. With more than 20 well-loved local brands including OLX, OLX Autos, Otomoto, and Property24, our solutions are built to be safe, smart, and convenient for our customers.

OLX Autos is the smart way to sell your car. We offer one-stop solutions that are safe, convenient, and offer guaranteed peace of mind for both buyer and seller. Simply get a free evaluation online, then drive to one of our many inspection centers. In Indonesia, OLX Autos is an instant car sales service with 2,000+ partners with 100+ inspection locations in 7 major cities in Indonesia (Jabodetabek, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Bali and Medan).

Landing Page OLX.co.id

🔍 Objectives

  1. Create an easy-to-understand app for all age groups
  2. Make it easier for users to find their automotive needs
  3. Helping local workshops introduce their best products and services

🎨 Design Process

In this case, I use Design Thinking as a design process approach. Because this method is a method that is easy to understand and implement. These methods include;

Design Thinking by Skilvul

1 — Empathizing

At this stage, I used two methods: my own empathy for the OLX Autos application and other user reviews on the Playstore, as follows;

  1. Applications are less attractive to dream car seekers

2. The application does not display the homepage of the available cars

3. The application requires entering a personal telephone number when the user starts searching for a car

4. Websites and applications do not expand the available features

2 — Defining

Here are some of the pain points I discovered from user reviews and my own research for the OLX Autos app.

List of OLX Pain Points

Then from the pain points I got, I tried to make an analysis of How Might Be. Here is my How Might Be result in this case;

List of ‘How Might Be’

3 — Ideating

At this stage, I try to organize the pain points of this application into stages. The stages include Solution Idea, Affinity Diagram, Prioritize Idea, and finally Crazy 8.

  1. Solution Idea

At this stage I took several solutions related to the application that I found after getting data from the Define (How Might Be) stage. Here is the solution idea I got.

List of Solution Idea

2. Afinity Diagram/Cluster

At this stage, I created several categories of existing solutions so that I and the design team found out the pain points of the application and the solution. Here are the categories;

Afinity Diagrams/ Cluster

3. Prioritize Idea

At this stage I enter the results of the Affinity Diagram into several priority categories which are divided into Do it Now, Do Next, Later, and Do Last. This stage makes it easier for me and the design team to know which pain points to work on first/urgent. Here is the Prioritize Idea in my case;

4. Crazy 8

At this stage I create 8 forms of visual ideas from the solutions that have been made. Here are 8 visual ideas I came up with;

Crazy 8's

4 — Prototyping

At this stage I create a prototype by creating a user flow for each feature that I want to implement. In this case I created a user flow to login and buy a new car.


Login User Flow

Buy a new car

Buy a New Car User Flow

The next step is to create a wireframe, here are the wireframes


5 — Testing

At this stage I have not had time to do usability tests and interviews.


My aim was to redesign the OLX Autos application so that it serves as a focus application for automotive cars, meeting the needs of users looking for their dream car. My role here is to help users locate their dream car, both new cars and used cars, as well as shops and car accessories around their location.


During the stage of completing this case, I wanted to do a better deepening of the User Research interview as well as improvements in visual design but I haven’t had time to continue this project due to one reason or another that forced me to postpone this project.

Thank you for reading:)

